Fact Sheet 030

1) Complete the questions in the first activity box (beginning with 'Do you play violent games? Are you violent in real life?')
I do play violent games such as Wolverine, Grand Theft Auto and Far Cry. They all involve brutal killing and cold-blooded characters. Moreover, I am not violent in real life. 
2) What are the four categories for different effects theories?
Direct Effect Theories
Diffusion Theories 
Indirect Effect Theories 
The Pluralist Approach 

3) What are the examples provided for the hypodermic needle theory - where media texts have been blamed for certain events? 
The hypodermic theory a model of communications that sends negative messages to the audience and also criticises certain media texts. With the examples used for Hypodermic theory, the movie Child's Play is a great example of a negative message being sent to little children. The movie "Child's Play" is a horror movie where there is a little doll going on a killing spree which influences the young one to also be violent and brutal to other people in real life. It changes the audiences behaviour. 

4) What was the 1999 Columbine massacre? You may need to research this online in addition to the information on the factsheet.
The columbine massacre was a brutal school shooting incident that occurred in 1999. There were two students in the school that murdered 12 students with their weapons. 
5) What are the reasons listed on the factsheet to possibly explain the Columbine High School massacre?

6) What does Gerbner's Cultivation theory suggest?
The cultivation theory considers the way media affects attitudes of people rather than behavior. Moreover, the cultivation theory suggests how if the people keep consuming violent graphic, it subtly changes the way the people see reality. 

7) How does this front page of the Daily Mail (from this week - Wednesday 16 November) link to Cultivation 
It links to cutlivation theory as we see that the 5 year old kids are continuously watching Tv which the cultivation theory is about. The cutlivation theory is about how if kids consume too much media and are presented to repeated ideas and media, their attitude will change and their perceptions of reality will also change.  

8) What does the factsheet suggest about action films and the values and ideologies that are reinforced with regards to violence?
The factsheet suggests that any violent media is used to change a person's attitude and behavior. With people consuming violent media, they will also start to behave abnormally and violently in real life and this is what the factsheet is suggesting. 

9) What criticisms of direct effect theories are suggested in the factsheet?
The criticisms that are suggested about direct effect theories are that when people and kids consume violent media, they are influenced negatively and their behavior and attitude start to change subtly. Also, that they have a huge negative impact on the audience and the audience is a wide audience as many people are entertained by consuming violent media but they don't know that they are getting influenced to do the same. 
10) Why might the 1970s sitcom Love Thy Neighbour be considered so controversial today? What does this tell us about Reception theory and how audiences create meanings?
The Love Thy Neighbour may be considered controversial today because the public back then is much more different to how it is now. It was more racist back then and the Love Thy Neighbour show involved racism and some of the comments made may be disagreed by many today as many countries are mutli-cultural. 
11) What examples are provided for Hall's theory of preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings?

12) Which audience theory do you think is most convincing? Why? It is important that you develop critical autonomy in judging the arguments for and against different theories and form your own opinion on these issues.
The audience theory I most find convincing is the Hypodermic Theory which means that the consumers of violent media always get influenced negatively and their behavior starts to change as they keep on regularly consuming violent media. It is convincing because with the news of the 2 young boys killing a little kid; it was known that they killed the little kid because they watched the movie "Child's Play" which includes a little doll killing everyone. This is why it is convincing because violent medias can effect people especially kids to reenact what is shown to them. 


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