1) I chose A Level Media Studies because I took this subject at GCSE and I found it really interesting. Moreover, I wish to learn media in University in the future which is the reason why I chose A level Media Studies.

2) I did take GCSE Media in this school (Greenford High School).

3) For GCSE Media, I achieved a B. I managed to finish all my assignments in the coursework for Media. I am capable of doing well in the coursework and the practical rather than exam because I mostly do better in coursework.

4) I hope to achieve a grade that is greater than B or a B.

5) After Sixth form, I'm thinking of doing media apprenticeship or I might go straight to University and do media studies there.

6) The biggest story that has been over the news mostly is Portugal winning the Euros. I see this as the biggest stories as Portugal were the underdogs in the tournament and no one actually expected them to go and win the cup.

7) I read newspapers or go on BBC news to see the current news around the world.

8) The last film I watched was Finding Dory.

9) I don't watch TV Series but it used to be Jessie.

10) I spend a huge amount of time online. I go on YouTube mainly and watch videos to keep myself entertained. I would say 6 hours a day that I spend time online. This is average amount of time to be spending time online considering the amount of time other people go online.


  1. Good to know that you have high aspirations - if you want to achieve a B at A Level then you need to learn more media terminology and think about your analysis in more depth so that you are reaching higher levels of analysis when you encounter media texts.


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