January assessment learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full in a new blogpost called 'January assessment learner response' (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you don't want to)
  • Focus on the question: don't write about sound if the question states mise-en-scene
  • Paragraphing and organisation: you should be aiming for 3-4 well-developed paragraphs for each question with a clear topic sentence for each paragraph
  • Media terminology and theory: revise the key theories, particularly for audience and representation

3) Use the information you read in the mark scheme and Examiners' Report to re-write your weakest question into a superb, well-developed answer below your typed up feedback. 

4) Why does the film appeal to such wide audiences?

This short film is a very appealing production where the gender are both mixed. In this short creative production, the characters are shown to be a woman, a man and a little girl which are thought to be a family. This is such a reinforcement concept of putting a family as the actors as well as the love that each member of the family have for each other which is shown in this short production. The fact that we have a mixture of gender and age is the reason why this film appeals to such wide audience. With the little girl, many other little girls can be convinced to consume this media as they can both relate with the actions of the little girl in this short production. Moreover, with the father, many other elderly males can be appealed to due to the fact that it is relatable. Also, the mother is an actor that also brings in many consumers such as other mothers because they are both relatable. From each of the family members, the other consumers can receive a sense of personal identification from the Blumler and Katz theory. This is why this film appeals to such a wide audience. Additionally, Todorov's theory can be applied to this short production as the the film starts off with an equilibrium. The equilibrium is that he film starts off with a calm and tranquil atmosphere where the family seem very satisfied and joyful when the father is seem to be driving an imaginary or invisible car. Eventually, a disequilibrium occurs when the action code comes in place as the father is unable to control his car which changes the atmosphere into intense and changes the facial expressions of the other two members of the family instantly making the mood sorrowful and frightened. The daughter and the mother run rapidly to the father to hold on tight. With this last action, other families can relate with this love and this is why this film again appeals to such a wide audience.

Secondly, the film also appeals to such wide audience with another significant reason that makes the short film so appealing.  Within the film, we have a satisfied and a joyful looking family which shows that this short production fits into the satisfied and happy family line of appeal according to the theory of Gilian Dyer. Moreover, with this short film production, it is a unique and versatile production to the other typical road safety advertisements that many others consume. But the reason why this film appeals to such a wide audience is that not only because of the mixture of gender and age, but the film itself differs from other road safety adverts and it doesn't spread much negativity and doesn't have negative images. Furthermore, the text at the end of the short film is a very emotional phrase which appeals to a wide audience as the text is written to reach out to everyone of every social classes, ethnicities and genders. In addition, the little girl in the video impacts other children to know how driving incautiously can affect your family. Lastly, this short film has a influencing non-diegetic sound throughout the whole production which makes the scene more emotional and dramatic. With this sound, it appeals to a wider audience because it allows the audience to feel more of a bond with the actors and to feel more sympathy for the characters.


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