Film analysis

1) Why did you choose the text you are analysing?

I am going to analyse the movie "ANT-MAN" as many scenes within the movie linked up with the genre of the movie which the audience would expect to see. 

2) In what context did you encounter it?
I encountered this context on YouTube where the trailer was on my feeds. 

3) What influence do you think this context might have had on your interpretation of the text?
I was using my laptop during the afternoon when I decided to click on the trailer of the movie "ANT-MAN". The influence this has on my interpretation of the text is that it was less immersive and I wasn't as focused as I would be in a cinema where the screen is larger and it is more immersive. Moreover, I had other tabs opened up so I wasn't fully consuming the text of the movie. 

4) To what genre did you initially assign the text?
When I first took a glance at the trailer and the thumbnail of the movie trailer on YouTube, I immediately assigned that the text was a superhero, fictional and action genre through the iconography of an advanced suit.

5) What is your experience of this genre?he
My experience of this genre with other other movies is that I mainly see action, abnormal, mutation or futuristic world.

6) What subject matter and basic themes is the text concerned with?
Within the text, we know that the protagonist is the Ant-Man in the movie as we can tell by the title of the movie and his will to save the world within the text. Moreover, we have the villain as the villain so this text is a good vs bad genre like where Ant-Man is the superhero and has to kill the villain in order to be represented as a superhero as that is what superheroes are there for. So from this, I can state that the subject matter is revolved around the superhero and the villain. In addition, the basic theme is the villain wearing a suit and then becomes powerful then tries to destroy Ant-Man as well as killing other innocent lives.

7) How typical of the genre is this text in terms of content?
The content within this text is a typical of the genre that this film is in which is Superhero and Action genre. We see abnormal human beings with such great power to become small which we can argue that it makes him Ant-Man look smaller but his destiny was to become the Ant-Man and to save the world from Hank Pym who is the villain

8) What expectations do you have about texts in this genre?
The typical expectations that i have in this texts in this genre is that I knew there was going to be a fight scene between good vs bad. Moreover, I also expected there to heroic moments where the superhero saves everyone from danger. 

9) Have you found any formal generic labels for this particular text (where)?
I have found a formal generic label within this text as the whole audience know that there will be an intense fight between the good and the bad but it forces the audiences to wait till the end - this is a lead up. Moreover, we will see chaotic events starting to happen within the world when the villain appears. 

10) What generic labels have others given the same text?
The others have given the text the generic labels of fear within the whole world, destruction and chaos. 

11) Which conventions of the genre do you recognize in the text?
The conventions of the genre that I recognised in the text is the plot of the text where we see a protagonist fighting against a villain to save the whole world and himself. In this type of genre, we always expect a good vs bad plot. 

12) To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre?
This text doesn't really stretch the conventions of its genre as the text sticks to the typical objective of the genre. 

13) Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre?
Within the text, I could see the text departuring from the genre quite a bit as see that the protagonist "Ant-Man" was always trying to create love and romance with the daughter of the professor. 

14) Which conventions seem more like those of a different genre (and which genre(s))?
The conventions within the genre seems more like a different genre as we see a bit of romantic moments between Ant-Man and the daughter of the professor. While that, we also see many comedy moments where Ant-man and the daughter are disrupted by the professor who is her father when they were about to have their first kiss. 

15) What familiar motifs or images are used?
A familiar motif that is used is the suits of the characters.

Mode of address
1) What sort of audience did you feel that the text was aimed at (and how typical was this of the genre)?
The sort of audience that i felt that this text was mainly aimed at was for younger adults and quite elderly adults who enjoy a bit of good vs bad and action. This is aimed at younger adults and elderly adults because it has scenes that are quite inappropriate for children that are not younger adults. We also have graphic content and inappropriate words used by the characters within the text. 

2) How does the text address you?
 This text addresses me because I enjoy superhero content and good vs bad plots as they really entertain me. I find them quite intriguing with the plot.

3) What sort of person does it assume you are?
By watching this film and liking the genre of the film, it assumes that i am a person that loves to read comic books or is really enthusiastic with fiction. 

4) What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity?
The assumptions made about my class would be that I am perhaps a medium wealthy person that is very well educated. Moreover, the assumptions made about my age would be that I am a young adult that likes to escape from reality and wander off to a fictional world full of fictional characters. Perhaps, it could assume that I am a very talk-a-tive and confident person. Additionally, about my ethnicity, it would assume that I am extremely into violence.  

5) What interests does it assume you have?
The interests that it assumes I have is that I like to read comic books about superheroes and I also like to go consume superhero texts in the cinema to feel diversion and entertained. 

Relationship to other texts
1) What intertextual references are there in the text you are analysing (and to what other texts)?
The intertextual references that are in this film are comic books and TV series. 

2) Generically, which other texts does the text you are analysing resemble most closely?
The other texts such as the television series "The Flash" resemble this film closely as the plot of these two movies are quit similar as it is both good vs bad and the protagonists are both trying to save the world. 

3) What key features are shared by these texts?
The key features shared by these texts are destructive events and conflict that are needed to be resolved by the superheroes in order for the world to be safe from danger. 

4) What major differences do you notice between them?
The differences between the movie Ant-Man and the TV series The Flash is that in Ant-Man, there is more comedy within the text and this is quite unusual for a superhero and action genre. Whereas, in The Flash, there is more action going on every episodes as the protagonist is fighting everytime to save the world. The chaos never ends for The Flash. 


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